News:  System Status – Online



That feeling students may have when navigating risky situations.  Balancing the line between what feels good and exciting and what could be detrimental to their health and safety.  That line could be between the perceived safety and comfort of coping mechanisms or seeking outside help that is scary but ultimately beneficial.

Tightrope offers an online risk management program that provides practical education for undergraduate students on the topics of alcohol and other drug use, hazing, and sexual misconduct.  Designed as online modules, students navigate through the interactive courses to gain better knowledge and perspective about managing their risk to gain better knowledge and perspective about the hazards they may encounter during college and how to make smarter, safer decisions.  This series provides the education, skills, and tools necessary for students to successfully navigate the tightrope between a risky situation and an enlightening college experience.

Visit the Tightrope website for more information.